Cost per graft


Cost per graft hair transplant in Lahore Pakistan based upon several factors like technique, surgeon qualification and experience, location of the clinic and number of grafts requirements. Any individual who is concerned about its receding hairline prefers to go for a surgical procedure, that is priced based on the per graft hair transplant. As we know that hair loss treatment takes place following two different methods, the method decides what will be the cost per graft.  In strip harvesting method (FUT), the surgeon cuts out a skin strip from the back and sides area of the head that is called the donor site and then transplant on the bald area that is known as the recipient site.

Cost per graft hair transplant Lahore Pakistan

In an FUT the surgeon removes a thin strip of hairs from the donor area but in case of FUE the surgeon removes each graft one by one by the help of a punch tool. Both of the techniques are supposed to leave scars. A linear scar in case of FUT and small circular scars in case of FUE. The number of grafts taken from the donor area depends on the strength of the donor area. Like some people have 50 follicles per square cm whereas some people have 150 follicles per square cm. Pricing of the procedure is done both per session and per graft. The most preferred method is per root. Talking about the price, it can come between 60 Pak rupee to 80 Rs in case of FUE. During the first session around a 1000 to 3000 grafts are transplanted to the recipient site.

Cost per graft hair transplant in Lahore Pakistan also depends greatly on the quality of service and the clinic location as well as expertise. The procedure should be carried by an expert surgeon who can guarantee a risk free procedure. In some cases the surgeons take more grafts from a small donor area making a big scar which becomes unable to stitch for the surgeon and is left open leaving the patient with a two to three fingers width scar and a very bad healing period.

In order to make your procedure cost effective, session wise procedure is preferred over the cost  per graft hair transplant in Lahore Pakistan. Another thing to understand is that in FUT method the strip is usually over cut the strip which is called subdividing follicular units to make more single and double. To explain this, let’s say the surgeon takes a strip containing 6000 follicles, theoretically the surgeon could create 6000 roots with one strip, or the surgeon can subdivide it into three strips. So the patient is paying more for the same number of grafts because it increases the per graft hair transplant cost by increasing the number of roots. Even though the same number of hairs have been transplanted but the number was increased by subdividing the hair.  It is advised to talk to your surgeon about the quantity and the price before the procedure. Any method used for transplant has its advantages and disadvantages, it is better to talk to the surgeon about the side effects of the surgery. If you are looking for the best hair transplant in Pakistan then you are at the right place and clinic. 

What is the cost of 5000 grafts hair restoration in Lahore Pakistan?

The price for 5000 grafts usually starts from 175,000 PKR to 250,000 PKR and sometimes the procedure may take 2 days. Each day is five to six hours long. This 5000 follicles procedure consists of two days as follicles have few hours life outside the body so in order to get maximum results and survival of the follicles , this may split into two days. 

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