Hair transplant shock loss Lahore

Hair Transplant Shock Loss


Do you know what  is hair transplant shock loss all about? How is it connected with hair restoration surgery? Well for some people it is a sort of shock that is given to the scalp after the hair restoration surgery.  But this is a completely false notion! Shock loss after the hair transplant is the term where the head scalp is exposed to some shock after the completion of surgery. This will lead to hair falling. During the procedure, follicles are shifted from one specific area of the scalp to such an area where baldness is quite evident. If the whole procedure is not done accurately, then this might happen that the shock loss will occur after the treatment. This might happen due to some side effects or complications after the surgical procedure.

Hair transplant shock loss recipient zone Lahore

Is there any difference between hair falling and shock loss?

Yes, there is! Both of them are not similar things. It will just occur after the surgical operation. As you are done with the surgery, then it is obvious that you will lose newly transplanted follicles just as after a few weeks.

But there is no need to worry about it because this whole process is part of the treatment and is not a big problem to tackle. After a few weeks, you will notice that the new hairs have started to grow out.

On the other side, this shock loss will not just be affecting the transplanted grafts, but at the same time, it is harmful to the natural ones as well. Sometimes you will also experience shock loss if the medical team is not experienced enough. Another major reason is if follicles over the donor area have just started to get affected by the “Dihydrotestosterone” hormone (DHT).

How long does hair transplant shock loss last?

Any shock loss which takes place due to trauma will probably speed up the whole process. Nevertheless, Shock Loss is quite rare (<5%) in view with all of the hair restoration cases as combined. Apart from that, 99% of the shock loss cases are somehow temporary which is based on the average of hair return which takes three months.

Why did Shock Loss happen?

While you are going through the FUE transplant treatment, follicles are initially picked through the donor area and yet they are transplanted into the receiving area. During this whole process, some mistakes will probably happen which can damage the grafts and will lose them. Later on, they won’t be able to produce new follicles on their own.

There are a few methods that will more likely cause shock loss as compared to others. For instance, in the strip method, shock loss can happen the surgeon has used a greater number of grafts in its one session. Therefore, hiring a professional and experienced surgeon is extremely important to consider.

What is meant by permanent shock loss?

Permanent shock loss will take place due to the permanent shock towards the grafts where they won’t be able to produce new growth all over again. Additionally, it can often happen just because the transplanted set of the grafts have been all affected by the “Dihydrotestosterone” hormone. This made it responsible for shedding as well as baldness.

On the contrary, the temporary shock might also happen due to the cause of destroying major structures where we have roots. The medical team will make a few minor mistakes while they are taking the grafts from the donor area and putting them within the receiving area.

How can you prevent shock loss after a hair transplant?

A shock loss is no longer something very frequent after the surgical operations, and if occurs commonly is simply transient and hair will develop once more after a few months. Moreover, many sufferers can keep away from this danger by taking medicines like minoxidil that will minimize viable shock loss strengthening the transplanted hair.

Choosing the right hospital with a skilled and professional medical team is a great way to keep away from any viable mistake or awful practice throughout the surgical procedure. Otherwise, this may additionally lead to a shock loss after the hair transplant.


This was a quiet guide about shock loss and how it is linked with the hair transplant treatment. Although it can be both permanent and temporary make sure you choose a professional surgeon so it won’t bring a situation of shock loss at any point. You should consult the surgeon beforehand to clear all your concerns about the shock loss and how it can affect your scalp.

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